And we go out as the fish go out, leaving the tasteof the rivers we know, joining the dark invisible weight
of what we would become
the calm sense of movement
Seeing the others forming our shoals, and the scales
on our sides filling the depths with trembling stars.
Out of memory we come to our senses again, walking
the soft grass, this sea of blades stirred slightly
by a shifting breeze, this half known need to know
what others hardly knew themselves, this silence
in the stars, leading to the dawn’s first edge of sky
and a silence in ourselves that looks for resolution….
excerpt from David Whyte: Time Left Alone
And we go out as the fish go out, leaving the tasteof the rivers we know, joining the dark invisible weight
of what we would become
the calm sense of movement
Seeing the others forming our shoals, and the scales
on our sides filling the depths with trembling stars.
Out of memory we come to our senses again, walking
the soft grass, this sea of blades stirred slightly
by a shifting breeze, this half known need to know
what others hardly knew themselves, this silence
in the stars, leading to the dawn’s first edge of sky
and a silence in ourselves that looks for resolution….
excerpt from David Whyte: Time Left Alone

Nadia Squared (Homage Series), mixed media, 12’ x 12” 2018